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April 17, 2018

Post type:- Doctoral

Research groups have been formed that have achieved an excellent competitive position in the international area. In addition, in a natural way, the very object of research of these disciplines has been converging towards what is called Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Of the strategic importance in R & D of these areas, it is worth noting that these have been prioritized in all the National, European and International Programmes of all the developed countries.

Training activities

Transversal Training Activities
Assistance to specialized specialized training courses (National School of Molecular Materials (ENMM) and European School in Molecular Nanoscience (ESMOLNa)
Presentation of papers in national or international scientific congresses
Assistance to research seminars
Preparation and presentation of two formal seminars
Stays in Higher Education Institutions or Research Centers.

Program link

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