Master and Doctoral in Animal Science, University of Manitoba, Canada

Post type:- Master, Doctoral

Duration:- 2 years (Master)

                    3 Years (PhD)


For Master

  • Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree with a major in Animal Science. Students with other degrees (B.Sc. Honours or General in Science) may be accepted. In the latter instance, students may be required to complete a Pre-Masters program or to register for courses additional to those normally required in the Masters program.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • A candidate must normally complete an M.Sc. degree before entering the Ph.D. program, however exceptional applicants with an honours Bachelors degree or equivalent may be permitted to enter Ph.D. study.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

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