Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Post type:- Bachelor

Duration:- 4 years


Course subject Credit units (cu) required ** At uSask
General biology 6 cu Biology 120.3 and 121.3
General chemistry 3 cu Chemistry 112.3
Organic chemistry 3 cu Chemistry 250.3
English literature and composition* 6 cu English 110.6 OR 6 credit units from English 111.3, 112.3, 113.3 and 114.3 OR French 121.3 (or 122.3) and 125.3 OR Literature 100.6
Psychology or Sociology 6 cu Psychology 120.3 and 121.3 or Sociology 111.3 and 112.3
Unrestricted electives 6 cu Any course with a credit of at least 3 cu
Total credit units 30 cu

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