Diploma Program in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Academy of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences, Canada

Post type:-Diploma

The Diploma in Pharmaceutical Quality Control and Quality Assurance (Dip.QCQA) provides students with the comprehensive knowledge and skills in the fields of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs. The courses are delivered by experts from both pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries, using state-of-the-art technologies, to provide the students with strong technical and practical skills needed in a US-FDA and Canadian TPD regulated work environment.

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance & Quality Control Diploma Program have pursued careers as a:

  • Quality Assurance Associate
  • Process Validation Coordinator
  • Quality Assurance Technician
  • Quality Assurance Manager
  • Quality and Compliance Specialist

For more information please follow program website

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