Doctoral program in Cognitive Science of Language, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Post type:- Doctoral

The Ph.D. program in Cognitive science of language at UNG provides high quality training of young researchers in Linguistics in the context of contemporary Cognitive Science.

The program curriculum is based on the scientific thesis that the endowment for language is encoded in the human biological make-up as a system with computational properties. As such, the program emphasizes integration of analytical tools of modern formal theoretical linguistics and methods of experimental sciences such as psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics which concern themselves with studying the psychological and neurological reality of language.


  • have completed a 2nd cycle master’s study preogramme;
  • have completed at least a four-year academic undergraduate programme accredited with 240 ECTS credits.
  • have completed a uniform five year master’s study programme accredited with 300 ECTS credits.
  • have completed a specialization after previously finished professional study programme, and had passed additional study obligations within 30 to 60 ECTS credit points.
  • have completed an equivalent program abroad.

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