Master and Doctoral in Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, University of Manitoba, Canada

Post type:- Master, Doctoral

Duration:- 2 years (Master)

                      4 years (Doctoral)


For Master

  • Applicants must have an appropriate background in biochemistry, genetics, or a closely related subject area, with a minimum 3.5 GPA (4.5 scale) in the previous 60 credit hours of university study, or equivalent (normally 2 years). In addition, during this period there should be no grade less than C+ in any biochemistry, genetics, or life science course deemed relevant to the proposed course of study.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • Thesis-based Master’s degree (of at least 2 years in duration), or equivalent, in biochemistry, genetics, or a closely related field
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 (4.5 scale), or equivalent, in the courses taken during the Masters program
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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