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March 24, 2018

Post type:-Diploma


  1. A TB skin test is compulsory. TB testing must be done within three months of program start and students must provide documentation of this prior to the start of the first practicum or experience with public clients. Students are responsible for the cost of this test. An additional TB skin test is required after each possible exposure to TB and/or travel within an area that there is a known prevalence of TB.
  2. Students are highly recommended to maintain current immunizations as per the Practice Education Guidelines of B.C. Recommended immunizations are found on the Health Sciences Placement Network of Canada website by searching for immunization guidelines. Failure to comply with immunization guidelines could result in the health care organization or the college barring the individual from the clinical/practicum setting until proof of immunity is provided and/or until a communicable disease outbreak is declared over. This could impact a student’s ability to successfully complete the clinical/practicum placement course and/or a clinical/practicum.
  3. Yearly respirator mask ‘fit-testing’. Fitting will be completed in the program and students will be responsible for associated costs.
  4. Standard First Aid certificate (valid for 3 years) AND CPR Level ‘C’ (annual CPR recertification is required). Can be obtained from Alert First Aid, St. John Ambulance, Red Cross, HeartSafe and community and recreation centres.
  5. Criminal Record Check: During this program,  may be working with children and/or vulnerable adults. In order to participate in work integrated learning experiences, such as a practicum or work term,  will need to complete a criminal record check through the Ministry of Justice for Camosun College. Camosun will email  with information on how to complete the Criminal Record Check (CRC) process.
  6. Hepatitis B and the flu vaccines are highly recommended and are available at  local health clinic or through  physician.

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