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Monthly Archives: April 2018

April 6, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor

Nutritional Science focuses on human nutrition in general and in particular on research into the effects of food ingredients on the body’s complex regulatory mechanisms and thus their influence on health. The focus of the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science is conveying the basics of natural science and biomedicine.

  • Multidisciplinary Studies
  • Research-oriented teaching methods
  • Scientific working methods
Specific skills An interest in
  • biological science
  • nutrition
  • research

The following qualities

  • Curiosity
  • the ability to deal with information critically
  • perseverance
  • the ability to deal with criticism
  • creativity

Awareness of

  •  academic path
  •  own personal goals

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April 6, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor

The Bachelor’s study program in Food Science and Biotechnology deals with the scientific methods necessary to develop technological processes for producing foodstuffs and healthcare products. Our students are introduced into the basics of natural sciences and engineering and gain knowledge about biochemical reactions as well as micro-biological and molecular-biological methods.

  • Modern experimental stations and labs
  • Studying products
  • Research-oriented teaching methods
  • Scientific working methods
Specific skills
  • An interest in and a talent for chemistry, biology and physics
  • Delight in conducting experiments
  • An understanding of technical processes and engineering terms
  • An interest in thinking in a business-like manner and a consideration of organizational matters

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April 6, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor

The Bachelor’s program in Agricultural Sciences prepares you to understand the many different facets of agricultural production. You learn to evaluate ecological and economic effects, recognize problems and challenges, and further develop agricultural production systems. You are then qualified for interesting professions.

  • Practical studies in all areas of agriculture
  • Outstanding international reputation
  • Interesting career prospects

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April 6, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor

Agricultural Biology looks at complex biological systems of plants, animals, and soil in the agricultural sector. Applying this natural science knowledge to specific problems in modern agricultural production allows for a optimization and further development of the global agricultural system for food security, sustainability, and social acceptance.

  • Unique combination of Agricultural Sciences and Biology
  • Teaching and research competencies in 70 fields of expertise
  • Outstanding international reputation

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April 5, 2018

Post type:-Bachelor

Duration:- 4 year

Biopsychology is firmly based in the natural sciences, with intense study of molecular, biochemical,
anatomical, physiological, behavioural, and developmental approaches. The core program has required
elements in Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology.  candidate will gain an
understanding of comparative anatomy, cellular biology, and human behaviour.candidate will obtain experience in up-to-date laboratory techniques and procedures.


In addition to meeting The University of Winnipeg’s general admission requirements, candidate must have Chemistry 40S and either Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S or Applied Mathematics 40S

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor

Duration:- 3 year

This program combines the information and methodologies of anatomy, physical anthropology, archaeology,
biochemistry, and biology with the techniques of the physical sciences to examine human biological systems
of the past and present. The core program has required elements in biology, chemistry, and anthropology.
Candidate will gain an understanding of comparative anatomy, cellular biology, and methods in human and primate
evolution and archaeology, and obtain experience in up-to-date laboratory techniques and procedures.


In addition to meeting The University of Winnipeg’s general admission requirements, candidate must have
Chemistry 40S and either Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S or Applied Mathematics 40S.

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master

This new master program in Neurosciences is supported by the Elite Network of Bavaria and embedded in the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, which provides state-of-the-art training with nationally and internationally renowned professors. Key focus areas include systemic neurosciences, molecular and cellular neurosciences.


Candidates must hold a bachelor degree and must have a good command of the English Language.

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master

The Neuro-Cognitive Psychology (NCP) program aims to provide a selected group of students from around the world with a state-of-the-art education in this brain research-oriented discipline of psychology. The international master program is taught by leading scientists in their fields, both at LMU Munich, the home institution, and at national and European partner institutions


Candidates must hold a B.Sc. or equivalent degree (e.g. Vordiplom plus 2 semesters in psychology, biology, medicine, or related subjects), provide proof of thorough proficiency in English, and have excellent grades.

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master


  • Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Physics, Biology, Computer Science, passing grades on both sections of the licensing examination for physicians (Ärztliche Prüfung) or equivalent other university degree comprising at least six semesters of study of psychology.
  • Proof of English language skills (CEFR Level C1) for applicants whose native language is other than English and who did not earn their university entrance degree at an institution where English is the language of instruction.

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master


  • Undergraduate German degree or an equivalent foreign degree in pharmaceutical sciences, food chemistry, medicinal chemistry, human biology, veterinary medicine, medicine or in a related natural sciences subject with a standard period of study of at least eight semesters or 240 credit points.
  • Proof of language skills in English (level B2 CEFR) or equivalent level of knowledge corresponding to 6 years of high school English

The admission is limited.

For further information concerning admission requirements see Zugangssatzung für den Masterstudiengang Pharmazeutische Forschung (pdf-Datei) or the English version of the study regulations (pdf-Datei).

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