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Category Archives: Biochemistry

April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


For Master

  • For admission into the M.Sc. program, applicants are normally required to hold a four-year Bachelor’s degree in Biosystems Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university. Applicants to the M.Eng. program are normally required to hold a B.Sc.(Eng.) degree. Candidates with degrees in related areas will be accepted at the discretion of the department head.
  • CV/Resume
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • A candidate must normally complete an M.Sc. degree before entering the Ph.D. program.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

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April 2, 2018

Post type:-Master, Doctoral

Duration:- 2 year (Master)

                     4 year (Doctoral)


For Master

  • Four-year Bachelor’s degree in Biology (or equivalent)
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent)
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link


April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral

Duration:- 2 years (Master)

                      4 years (Doctoral)


For Master

  • Applicants must have an appropriate background in biochemistry, genetics, or a closely related subject area, with a minimum 3.5 GPA (4.5 scale) in the previous 60 credit hours of university study, or equivalent (normally 2 years). In addition, during this period there should be no grade less than C+ in any biochemistry, genetics, or life science course deemed relevant to the proposed course of study.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • Thesis-based Master’s degree (of at least 2 years in duration), or equivalent, in biochemistry, genetics, or a closely related field
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 (4.5 scale), or equivalent, in the courses taken during the Masters program
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Doctoral


  • Applicants will normally possess a research-based Master’s degree in a discipline or profession consistent with Applied Health Sciences. Applications from other disciplines will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Applicants who do not possess a research-based Master’s degree, but who have some research experience will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Contact the program for more information.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Statement of Funding
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

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March 31, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral

The graduate programs in our department are designed to provide in-depth experience in laboratory research in experimental pharmacology, and provide a broad knowledge of academic pharmacology. The PhD program in particular is designed to generate competent scientists capable of initiating and maintaining independent research programs in either academic or industrial settings.


Candidates must satisfy the general requirements for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. A paper-based TOEFL score of at least 600 (or the equivalent score on a comparable test) is required of applicants whose native language is not English. Please note this department requires all applicants to have a minimum average of A


Program link

March 31, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral

Pathology, the study of the essential nature of disease, uses a wide variety of approaches to elucidate mechanisms responsible for disease. Because of its close academic and clinical ties with the QEII Health Sciences Centre and the Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre for Children, Women and Families which provide tertiary care for the entire Canadian Maritime region, the Dalhousie Pathology Department is able to offer an unsurpassed milieu in which to pursue experimental pathology.

Research Areas

  • Clinical and Environmental Chemistry
  • Hematopathology
  • Immunology
  • Molecular Genetics
  • Transplantation

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March 31, 2018

Post type:-Doctoral


  • Classes: You are required to take MICI 5400 as well as any classes required by your supervisory committee, usually not more than one or two.
  • Journal Club: Attend weekly classes where you will present on cutting edge publications in your research area
  • Departmental Seminar: Attend weekly departmental seminar – minimum 80 per cent attendance
  • Seminar: Present three departmental seminars of acceptable quality
  • Thesis and oral examination: Produce an acceptable thesis and defend it successfully

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March 31, 2018

Post type:- Doctoral


  • First-class thesis Master’s degree or its equivalent
  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B average) in the last 60 credit hours of study
  • Degree granted by university of recognized standing
Test Name Minimum Acceptable Score
Internet-based TOEFL 92
Written TOEFL 580
CanTest 4.5 (with no band score lower than 4.0)
CAEL 70 with no band score lower than 60
Dalhousie College of Continuing Education (CCE) A-


More details

How To Apply:-

Check here

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March 31, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


This program offers graduate level class work and research opportunities related to food process technology, food microbiology, edible oils, engineering design, post-mortem biochemistry of muscle foods, proteins and enzymes, food rheology, and beverage science. A wide range of food processing equipment, a pilot plant, and well-equipped laboratories offer unique opportunities for graduate training and research. Students with degrees in food science, engineering, chemistry/biochemistry, microbiology or biology are invited to apply. The graduate degree programs share some facilities with the Canadian Institute of Fisheries Technology, a specialized resource centre for graduate education and research in food science and food process engineering with emphasis on seafoods.

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March 31, 2018

Post Type:- Master

Duration:- 2 year

Field Research

Graduate students can also conduct field research studies on soil erosion, biochemical transport phenomena, engineered wetlands, bio-waste composting and bioremediation at the Bio-Environmental Engineering Centre jointly administered by the Faculty of Engineering and the Nova Scotia Agricultural College located in Truro, Nova Scotia.

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