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Category Archives: Medicine

April 3, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor


This is an articulated BSc. degree and requires that students graduate from Holland College with diplomas in Basic Paramedicine (two years; PCP) or Advanced Paramedicine (three years; ACP). Students from another public institution with equivalent academic requirements to get their Diploma in Paramedicine may also be eligible to enrol in the BSc. in Paramedicine program at UPEI. All applicants must achieve a minimum grade of 70% in their diploma program to be eligible to apply to the degree program.

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April 3, 2018

Post type:- bachelor

Duration:- 4 years


For admission to the Honours program, students must have a minimum average of 75% in all Foods and Nutrition courses combined and an overall average of 70% in all previous courses. Permission of the Department is also required and is contingent on the student finding an advisor and on acceptance of the research project by the Department of Applied Human Sciences.

To graduate with Honours in Foods and Nutrition, students must maintain a minimum average of 75% in all Foods and Nutrition courses combined and an overall average of 70%.

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April 3, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor


Applicants to our Bachelor of Science programs require the successful completion of at least six grade 12 4U/M courses with a minimum overall average of 70% and must qualify to obtain their OSSD. Specific grade 12 courses are as follows:

Grade 12 4U English

Grade 12 4U Advanced Functions

Grade 12 4U Science

One additional Grade 12 4U Science or Mathematics

Two Grade 12 4U/M courses

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April 3, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor


Applicants to our Bachelor of Science programs require the successful completion of at least six grade 12 4U/M courses with a minimum overall average of 70% and must qualify to obtain their OSSD. Specific grade 12 courses are as follows:

Grade 12 4U English

Grade 12 4U Advanced Functions

Grade 12 4U Science (Chemistry recommended)

One additional Grade 12 4U Science or Mathematics

Two Grade 12 4U/M courses

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April 3, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor


Applicants to our Bachelor of Science programs require the successful completion of at least six grade 12 4U/M courses with a minimum overall average of 70% and must qualify to obtain their OSSD. Specific grade 12 courses are as follows:

  • Grade 12 4U English
  • Grade 12 4U Advanced Functions
  • Grade 12 4U Science
  • One additional Grade 12 4U Science or Mathematics
  • Two Grade 12 4U/M courses
  • Chemistry (SCH4U) is strongly recommended
  • Calculus and Vectors (MCU4U) is strongly recommended

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April 3, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor


Applicants to our Bachelor of Science programs require the successful completion of at least six grade 12 4U/M courses with a minimum overall average of 80% and must qualify to obtain their OSSD. Specific grade 12 courses are as follows:

  • Grade 12 4U English
  • Grade 12 4U Advanced Functions
  • Grade 12 4U Biology
  • Grade 12 4U Chemistry
  • Two Grade 12 4U/M courses (Physics and Calculus and Vectors are strongly advised)

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April 3, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor


To register, simply fill out the application; if candidate do not have the application form, please request it from Diane Roy. In addition to the application form, a transcript of your Forensic Identification training at the Ontario Police College (OPC) or a letter of attestation from the Canadian Police College (CPC) must be provided. Successful completion of either program guarantees your entrance into the Forensic Identification degree. Candidate Transcript or Letter of Attestation must be sent directly to Diane Roy at Laurentian.

The maximum number of advanced standing credits candidate can receive are 60 credits. candidate are guaranteed a minimum of 42 credits in advanced standing for the training candidate have done in police services. It is very likely that the courses candidate have completed career will enable to earn the full 60 credits of advanced standing. Arrangements will be made to help you overcome any shortfall if that is not the case.

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Doctoral

Duration:- 4 year


  • Applicants must have completed 60 credit units (or equivalent) by April 30 of the year admission is desired.
  • The coursework must include 24 credit units taken in at least one academic year (September to April).
  • Prerequisite courses completed more than 10 years ago are not normally considered for credit as part of the admission application and will need to be repeated. As each situation is unique, students can request a review by contacting the College directly.

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Doctoral

Duration:- 4 year


  1. MCAT: Candidate will need to complete the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) before the application deadline and arrange to have them released to our office during the specified time.
  2. Four year Baccalaureate Degree Awarded Prior to Entry into Medicine:  candidate need to have completed, or be in your last year, of a four year degree program.
  3. Admission average: the minimum admission average will change depending on your residency status.

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor

Duration:- 4 year


Some career opportunities include:

  • Food technologist
  • Animal health technician
  • Primary meat hygiene inspector
  • Quality assurance coordinator
  • Research technician

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