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Category Archives: Medicine

April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


For Master

  • B.Sc. degree in Pharmacy
  • Statement of Chosen Advisor
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • M.Sc. degree
  • Statement of Chosen Advisor
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


For Master

  • B.Sc. (Honours), four-year B.Sc. (Major) or equivalent degree
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • A candidate must normally complete an M.Sc. degree before entering the Ph.D. program.
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


For Master

  • Honours or Major in Science, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine with at least 12 credit hours of microbiology coursework
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For doctoral

  • A candidate must normally complete an M.Sc. degree before entering the Ph.D. program.
  • CV/Resume
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, doctoral


For Master

  • Bachelor’s degree in a related area of biological/biomedical science is favoured. Relevant laboratory research experience is highly preferred.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • Master’s degree or equivalent. Relevant laboratory research experience with evidence of peer-reviewed publication is highly preferred.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


For Master

  • Four-year Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Science with a suitable selection of courses in insect biology is required. Academically strong students without this preparation may be admitted to the M.Sc. program but may be expected to take additional courses to ensure that they have a strong foundation of entomological knowledge.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • A candidate must normally complete an M.Sc. degree before entering the Ph.D. program
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


For Master

  • For admission into the M.Sc. program, applicants are normally required to hold a four-year Bachelor’s degree in Biosystems Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university. Applicants to the M.Eng. program are normally required to hold a B.Sc.(Eng.) degree. Candidates with degrees in related areas will be accepted at the discretion of the department head.
  • CV/Resume
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • A candidate must normally complete an M.Sc. degree before entering the Ph.D. program.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral


For Master

  • Four-year undergraduate degree from the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine or Science
  • Prerequisite courses:
    • Math 1210 (Linear Algebra)
    • Math 1510 (Calculus 1)
    • PHYS 1050 (Physics 1)
    • or their equivalents
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2
  • Must have an Advisor identified†

For doctoral

  • M.Sc. degree from the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine or Science. Students with a Medical Doctoral (MD) Degree, however, may be admitted directly to a three-year Ph.D. program with the condition of passing a minimum of 24 credit hour courses.
  • Prerequisite courses:
    • Math 1210 (Linear Algebra)
    • Math 1510 (Calculus 1)
    • PHYS 1050 (Physics 1)
    • or their equivalents
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:-Master, Doctoral

Duration:- 2 year (Master)

                     4 year (Doctoral)


For Master

  • Four-year Bachelor’s degree in Biology (or equivalent)
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent)
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link


April 2, 2018

Post type:- Doctoral


  • Applicants will normally possess a research-based Master’s degree in a discipline or profession consistent with Applied Health Sciences. Applications from other disciplines will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Applicants who do not possess a research-based Master’s degree, but who have some research experience will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Contact the program for more information.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Supervisor Support
  • Statement of Funding
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

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April 2, 2018

Post type:- Master, Doctoral

Duration:- 2 years (Master)

                    3 Years (PhD)


For Master

  • Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree with a major in Animal Science. Students with other degrees (B.Sc. Honours or General in Science) may be accepted. In the latter instance, students may be required to complete a Pre-Masters program or to register for courses additional to those normally required in the Masters program.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

For Doctoral

  • A candidate must normally complete an M.Sc. degree before entering the Ph.D. program, however exceptional applicants with an honours Bachelors degree or equivalent may be permitted to enter Ph.D. study.
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Intent
  • Letters of Recommendation: 2

Program link

Let us know your academic interests so that we can search & post programs matching your profile and interests.

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