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Category Archives: Inorganic

April 17, 2018

Post type:- Master

Commencing:- October,2018

This multidisciplinary program offers a possibility to gain a broad knowledge in both biotechnological processes and classical chemical engineering. Close collaboration of these disciplines is a special feature of the engineering departments at TUHH in both education and research.


Applicants should hold a Bachelor’s or equivalent degree in Chemical Engineering or Biotechnology and must show a very good previous academic performance as well as sufficient proficiency in English by passing TOEFL with a minimum score of 577 (paper-based) / 90 (internet-based) or IELTS with a minimum score of 6.5.

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April 16, 2018

Post type:- Master





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April 16, 2018

Post type:- Master





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April 16, 2018

Post type:- Master





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April 10, 2018

Post type:- Master

The program “Geobiology and Paleobiology” (MGAP) is a consecutive, research-oriented, four-term international master program of the Faculty of Geosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, in collaboration with researchers of the Bavarian State collections under the umbrella of the GeoBio-CenterLMU. MGAP aims to provide students with a comprehensive introduction into the interdisciplinary research fields of Geo- and Paleobiology to prepare them for careers in science and beyond.

Duration:- 4 semesters

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April 6, 2018

Post type:- Bachelor

Nutritional Science focuses on human nutrition in general and in particular on research into the effects of food ingredients on the body’s complex regulatory mechanisms and thus their influence on health. The focus of the Bachelor’s program in Nutritional Science is conveying the basics of natural science and biomedicine.

  • Multidisciplinary Studies
  • Research-oriented teaching methods
  • Scientific working methods
Specific skills An interest in
  • biological science
  • nutrition
  • research

The following qualities

  • Curiosity
  • the ability to deal with information critically
  • perseverance
  • the ability to deal with criticism
  • creativity

Awareness of

  •  academic path
  •  own personal goals

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master


  • Undergraduate German degree or an equivalent foreign degree in pharmaceutical sciences, food chemistry, medicinal chemistry, human biology, veterinary medicine, medicine or in a related natural sciences subject with a standard period of study of at least eight semesters or 240 credit points.
  • Proof of language skills in English (level B2 CEFR) or equivalent level of knowledge corresponding to 6 years of high school English

The admission is limited.

For further information concerning admission requirements see Zugangssatzung für den Masterstudiengang Pharmazeutische Forschung (pdf-Datei) or the English version of the study regulations (pdf-Datei).

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master


  • Bachelor’s degree in chemistry or an equivalent degree with credits in chemistry that correspond to the bachelor’s program in chemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin. Please note that “applied chemistry”, “chemical engineering” and other subjects like pharmacy or biochemistry generally are not equivalent.
  • With certain restrictions, it is possible to complete the master’s degree program by taking classes solely in English. The necessary English language skills must as a rule be proven by exam results.

The admission is limited.

Proof of sufficient German (DSH2) or English Skills (IELTS 5.0; TOEFL: Paper 500 or Computer 170 or Internet 80) for all applicants whose first language is not German and who have earned their initial degree from a university (or equivalent institution) where the language of instruction is not German, which are necessary to understand courses and specialist literature.

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master

The biotechnical and chemical industries face new challenges in the 21st century. Biotechnical processes must be integrated into classical chemical engineering. At the same time, the challenges of energy and raw material change must be overcome. Nanomaterials, ionic fluids, biocomposites and bioinspired materials open up new opportunities in materials science; Biopharmaceuticals, biomaterials and cell-based constructs new therapies and thus advances in medicine.


The prerequisite for participation in the degree program is a first engineering degree (Bachelor of Science) at a university in Germany or abroad.

Language skills: German DSH-2

How To Apply:-

The application is made in writing directly to the chairman of the examination board with the following documents:

  • Motivation letter
  • curriculum vitae
  • Module Handbook of the Bachelor Program
  • Proof (sheet music) of the services provided so far. The score sheet should show the extent of the successfully completed events. For a better estimation of the comparability, it is essential to quote credit points and semester hours.

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April 5, 2018

Post type:- Master

Duration:- 2 year

The demand for highly qualified experts in environmental chemistry will continue to grow with increased industrialization and ever‐tighter global interdependence and integration. Our graduates will have various attractive career opportunities in the academic sector, in the industry (experts and consultants of national and international companies, heads of laboratories, company founders) and in the public sector (policy consultation, development cooperation).


Students must hold a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree with at least 20 ECTS points in physics, biology, or chemistry, 20 ECTS points in environmental sciences, and an overall grade of at least 2,5 on the German grading scale. A very good command of spoken and written English (equivalent to CEFR step B2 or higher) is mandatory.

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